Leech therapy and natural products in Milton Keynes 

Have you got chronic pain, wrist pain, back pain, sore knees or anything else? You don't need to suffer in silence. Get your consultation booked and find out for yourself how you can get back to optimal health.
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Holistic therapies in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire

Your path to recovery

Manual Therapy

Can help treat conditions relating to the musculoskeletal system e.g back pain, neck pain and posture issues.


An ancient technique used to treat a variety of conditions by boosting the bodies natural healing process.


A proven therapy with over 600 years of proven track records to help with a variety of conditions.

About ReHealth Me

Welcome to our therapy treatment centre, strategically located in the heart of Milton Keynes. I am Titsian Zavatzki, your dedicated and experienced therapist.

Throughout my career, I have continually focused on refining my skills and understanding of manual therapy techniques, reflexology and hirudotherapy (leech therapy). It is with this expertise that I have been able to transform the lives of countless individuals, empowering them to regain their strength, comfort, and vitality. I am committed to not just treating the symptoms but addressing the root causes, ensuring that each person experiences a long-lasting improvement in their overall health. 

It is for that reason I've started offering top quality, research backed, organic supplements, cosmetics and wellbeing products that you can buy direct from this website.
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